Hi. It is nice to meet all of you.  Haley Joe

VoxFox - with Megan Fox. An Acer story inspired by Intel.

We can meet the prettiest woman in the world at this commercial by Intel. She is very cute and nice matching for this commercial. Also, The story for commercial is very touching for me. As We have to try over and over, We are going to get any goal.

Look at this commercial. And you try! Cute dolphin with Megan, Good job! Especially, The music sound is very great and fresh for this commercial. So, I feel that It looks like a scene of the movie. Watch High Definition Youtube videos in full screen on Browser. Click
Behind Megan Fox's impossibly, almost absurdly attractive exterior, lies a deep love of marine biology. Watch her as she explores the beautiful world of the dolphin and, frankly, makes it even more beautiful. Click the film literally, right above these words to watch her story.


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