Hi. It is nice to meet all of you.  Haley Joe

Volkswagen Beetle Fives all around

Clapping is very fresh and nice for this commercial. Beetle is the most famous car. And It is the cutest car in the world at me. Of course, Nissan Cube is still cute and nice car with Beetle. But, I think Beetle is more attractive for me. Also, This time, A different design is showed in 2012. So, I'm very interested with This commercial.

How about you? Beetle's changing is a good thing or Bad thing? In addition, Clapping with song is nice idea. Because the Clapping means exchanging a relay at sports. I thought when I saw this commercial. Very nice work in the commercial. The song is "The Clapping Song by Shirley Ellis. Can you download songs from amazon. Watch Youtube videos in full screen on Browser. Click
When you're out and about in the all-new 2012 Beetle, you'll get more than just looks.


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